Tuesday, December 13, 2022

Fortnite Chapter 3 buffed an audio feature so much it's almost broken

Visualizing Sound Effects in Fortnite is an option players can enable in their audio settings. Just open the sidebar, click the settings icon and go to Audio. From there, players can turn the Visualize Sound Effects option on or turn it off.

Turning on Visual Sound Effects can show players the visual sound cues in-game from a distance (Image via Epic Games/Fortnite)
Turning on Visual Sound Effects can show players the visual sound cues in-game from a distance (Image via Epic Games/Fortnite)

Players have been using this for quite a while to get visual cues of their opponents' footsteps, firing in distance, vehicles, chests and reboot vans from a distance.

However, in Fortnite Chapter 3, this feature is so broken it can lead any player to a Victory Royale.

How broken is the buff in Fortnite Chapter 3?

As players got familiar with the new flipped island, they started discovering new meta. The most broken one they found was the Visual Sound Effects, which were way too overpowered. It was mainly added to aid deaf players or players with hearing problems.


But after the recent buff in Chapter 3, it is so overpowered that even casual players who don't require it are using it for gameplay advantage. Players can detect gunshots, reboots, chests/loots and even players from a much farther distance.

For example, players are easily getting sounds of a reboot from almost 200 meters away. The visual audio is so broken that the visual cues are now more powerful than ever. One of the major exploits is that it does not hamper any normal audio in-game for players to use.

@she_nanigan_ I noticed in the Fortnite settings now that you can have 3D audio and visual sound indicators at the same time. Best of both worlds

Earlier, there were restrictions when enabling 3D sound for headphone users, which was also buffed. Now, players can have both 3D audio and Visual sound effects enabled at the same time.

Players are having fun with this broken feature

Content creators like Sypher-PK and their fans are having a great time with this feature in Fortnite Chapter 3. The visual sound effects, now more powerful than ever, are helping players strategize their moves across the map to avoid fights.


On the other hand, some players are using it to "W-Key" their opponents while they insert a card in the reboot van. However, some are just rushing to steal the crown of an eliminated player to get a Crowned Victory Royale.

There is no information or concerns raised by Epic Games about this feature. But until it gets patched in an update, players will surely have their fun with it to the max.

Poll : Do you use Visual Sound Effects in Fortnite?

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Edited by Saman

Thank You!

Fortnite Chapter 3 buffed an audio feature so much it's almost broken Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Fortnite Bux


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