fortnite end countdown
It’s extremely likely that the “the end” season 10 live event will take place next weekend on either saturday or sunday. This climatic event takes place on december 4 at 4 pm. The fortnite chapter 2 season 8 live event is dubbed as “the end,” and as per epic, “with the convergence complete, the cube queen prepares her endgame for the island and nothing will ever be the same.
EpicUpdate 5/30/20:
Given that we have arrived on the day that this big event was supposed to happen, I figured it was time to update this post as a reminder that it is, in fact, delayed.
After delaying season 3 once already, Epic has delayed it one more week, extending season 2, but also pushing back this Doomsday countdown event until next Saturday (June 6) at 2 PM ET. This announcement was made on Thursday, just two days before this event was supposed to happen, so I would not be surprised if you missed it. While the countdown timers were eventually reset with the new end date, they stayed the same for a while, so I would not be surprised if there was a chunk of the playerbase tuning in today expecting for there to be an event.
But again, no, it’s next Saturday, and it will likely take place with The Agency as a focal point. Not much else has developed with the Doomsday device since we last looked at it. It has gotten a little…angrier, putting off even more energy, but that’s about it, and I have not seen any further map changes past the bubbling hatches and tiny ring of clouds around the Agency. Perhaps those will escalate further this week, but since they didn’t this past week before the delay, probably not.
In any case, I am still looking forward to the event, which I maintain will be some sort of hurricane that will flood most of the map. I’m not sure if that will transform the map in real time or if we’ll have to wait for the seasonal patch, but knowing Epic, it is probably the former. See you next weekend.
Original article below:
Well, Epic is back at its old tricks again, and while 10 week Fortnite seasons used to run like clockwork, they’ve so far been getting hit by lengthy delays in Chapter 2.
Chapter 2, season 2 was already extended once, pushing back season 3 until June, but Epic has just announced that it’s being pushed again, this time by only one week. This also has delayed the season-ending live event that we have a timer for that was supposed to end this Saturday. Here’s the official word from Epic:
“In an effort to get everything ready for Chapter 2 - Season 3, we’re extending Season 2 by one week. The new launch day of Season 3 will be Thursday, June 11. Also make sure to check out a one-time-only live event called The Device, now scheduled for Saturday, June 6 at 2 PM ET (please show up 30 minutes early to help secure your spot, space is limited!).”
It's not exactly clear what happened here but “getting everything ready” likely means things having to do with both the coming Doomsday countdown event and the map changes it will bring. My current theory is that the map will be heavily flooded by a man-made hurricane set off by Midas and the Doomsday Device at the Agency. Whether that’s supposed to unleashing flooding in real-time or just with a patched map update is unclear, but with Fortnite continually trying to top itself with these live events, it stands to reason that whatever is happening may end up being more technically demanding than the ones that have come before it. And they blew up the entire map and game that one time.
EpicAs of right now, logging in to Fortnite display the now-incorrect Doomsday countdown timers that still end this Saturday. Given that this news just broke, I would assume that they will be updated soon, or else there are going to be some very confused people this Saturday.
There does not seem to be anything being added in this extra week. I would not expect new challenges or anything. The only thing the rest of the post says it to make sure to lock in your battle pass faction choices or Maya accessories before the season ends.
I am not thrilled about the new normal being Fortnite delaying seasons for weeks and months and now the live events are getting pushed back too. But with everyone working from home during lockdown, I suppose at the moment it’s more understandable than it would be otherwise. Stay tuned for more information.
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