Monday, August 29, 2022

Best Games That Feature The Predator

The Predator franchise is no stranger to a crossover, thanks to numerous Alien vs. Predator films, video games and comics, but xenomorphs are far from the only classic characters the Yautja have battled. As one of the best hunters in pop culture, not to mention an iconic and undoubtedly cool design, it's no surprise that the fearsome warriors have been chosen to make a few surprise appearances in order to challenge some of gaming's greatest.

So if you've been stung a few times by disappointing licensed games or felt the full-on Predator games were not exactly masterpieces, then here we have a few completely separate franchises where the Yautja hunters turn up - including a few where they are playable. You'll soon have some iconic gaming characters running for the chopper...

5 Soldiers Inc. Brought The Predator Back To Real-Time Strategy

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Released in 2013, Soldiers Inc. is a massively multiplayer online real-time strategy game (MMORTS) available on Facebook through web browsers. Soldiers Inc. is a mostly grounded milsim following, you guessed it, soldiers, as they compete for resources in East Africa, but in 2015 an Alien vs. Predator crossover was released complete with a brand-new campaign along with themed Yautja and Xenomorph units.

The storyline took a bit of a departure from the Predator films, with the alien hunters cloned from genetic material and conditioned to be obedient to military forces. Reminiscent of earlier RTS game Alien Versus Predator: Extinction, the crossover was a short - but fun - limited-time event in Soldiers Inc., only lasting 90 days before the creatures were wiped out AVP-style in a pyramid explosion.

4 The Predator Was A Perfect Pick For Mortal Kombat X

Mortal Kombat has slowly started adding guest characters over the last few entries, so it's not surprising that iconic hunter and all-around badass the Predator was added to Mortal Kombat 10. All of the main weapons are there, with wrist blades, cloaking, thermal vision all incorporated into the character's kombos and brutalities, while the Smart Disc and Plasmacaster take centre-stage during the game's famous fatalities.

There are several other references to the movies also - many of the moves are named after iconic quotes from the series, while the victory animation sees the Predator perform their famous spine-ripping technique with the skull then placed in a trophy room. Carl Weathers was even added as a skin for Jax, based on Dillon from the first film.

The Xenomorph was later added as another guest character, allowing you to create your own Alien vs. Predator battles in Mortal Kombat's famously gory style.

3 Ghost Recon Wildlands' Predator Crossover Did Not Stick Around

The Ghost Recon franchise went open-world with 2017's Wildlands game - and also out of this world, with the Predator arriving in a DLC expansion later that year. The bonus mission, ominously titled 'The Jungle Moved,' sees the team investigate skinned corpses in Bolivia, which of course turns out to be a Yautja's nasty work. Cue a boss battle featuring cloaking, plasmacaster shots, and the signature self-destruct finish.

With the Yautja boasting the largest health pool in the game and checkmarks completely absent from this mission, this Predator crossover is appropriately one of the toughest boss battles in the game - until rights expiring meant the expansion was removed in December 2020.

This is a shame, as despite not being a Predator game, the Yautja's design, the fireteam's characters, and the jungle setting actually make this one of the more faithful adaptations of the first film.

2 The Predator Obviously Dropped Into Fortnite: Battle Royale

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Given that Fortnite is slowly absorbing every single pop culture character into a Ready Player One-style metaverse, it was only a matter of time before the Yautya joined the hunt. The Predator appeared as a playable skin in the Chapter 2 Season 5 Battle Pass, but was also present as an enemy NPC lurking around Stealthy Stronghold. The Predator proved to be one of the toughest NPCs around, as its cloaking ability, wrist blades, and speed made killing (and even finding) the Yautja warrior quite the task.

The skin itself was not quite as powerful, but had a few nice touches - including Heat Vision cosmetics, a laser that appears when aiming down sights and a built-in emote that removes the helmet. Xenomorphs were added later that season, allowing the two alien creatures to face off once more - or floss together, if you so wish.

1 Broforce Lovingly Parodied The Predator

Much like the original Predator film in many ways, side-scrolling run and gun platformer Broforce acts as a homage and light parody of over-the-top '80s action films, complete with outlandish set-pieces, overdone flag-waving, and endless explosions. As such several of the Broforce characters are parodies of action heroes of the era with the word 'bro' added to their names, including Rambro and Brominator.

The Predator, of course, appears as the Brodator - complete with larger-than-life muscles - armed with a wrist blade melee attack as well as a themed special that allows the Brodator to cloak itself and fire the plasmacannon. It's the perfect game for Predator's many iconic quotes.

Next: Predator: Hunting Grounds: Tips For Playing The Fireteam

Best Games That Feature The Predator Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Fortnite Bux


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